Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Prosecutors won’t retry George Alan Kelly, an Arizona rancher, 75, charged with murder of Mexican national on property after hung jury.

Prosecutors have decided against retrying an Arizona rancher accused of fatally shooting a Mexican national who crossed onto his property near the southern border after his murder trial ended with a hung jury last week.
The Santa Cruz County Attorney’s Office decided to drop the highly politicized case against 75-year-old George Alan Kelly after jurors were unable to come to a consensus on a verdict following more than 48 hours of deliberation.
Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge Thomas Fink declared a mistrial last Monday, which left the decision of whether to retry Kelly for the death of Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, 48, up to the prosecutors.
“Because of the unique circumstances and challenges surrounding this case, the Santa Cruz County Attorney’s Office has decided not to seek a retrial,” Deputy County Attorney Kimberly Hunley told Fink Monday.
The judge agreed to dismiss the case and will set a hearing date to see if the dismissal will be without prejudice — which would make it so that the charges wouldn’t be able to be brought back to court.
Kelly’s lawyer Brenna Larkin plans to file a request for the case to be dismissed without prejudice.
In the meantime, the rancher said he felt “relief” when interviewed by a local reporter from KGUN as he left the courthouse.
“The nightmare’s over,” Kelly said.
He offered his “sincere sympathy” to Cuen-Buitimea’s family outside the courthouse where protesters had gathered to demand a retrial so that the victim could get justice.
“Gabriel was a human being,” one of the protesters had written across a sign.
Kelly, whose trial lasted nearly a month, had been charged with second-degree murder for the Jan. 30, 2023 shooting outside Nogales, Arizona.
His victim, Cuen-Buitimea, lived just south of the US-Mexican border in Nogales, Mexico. He was (ILLEGALLY TRESPASSING) crossing Kelly’s Arizona cattle ranch with a group of other men when the elderly rancher fired nine shots from an AK-47 rifle toward them from about 100 yards away, according to prosecutors.
Kelly claimed the shots were only meant to be a warning and that he didn’t aim directly at anyone, but one of the bullets struck Cuen-Buitimea, killing him.
The case ignited debate across the country with the influx of migrants from the south coming into the US as Republicans have slammed President Biden for his handling of the border crisis as he is up for reelection.


Unredacted Documents Prove Federal Agency Had ‘Pallets’ Of Documents Sent To Mar-A-Lago One Year Before DOJ Raid.

A federal agency worked with the Trump transition team to send two pallets of “document boxes” relating to former President Donald Trump’s presidency to his Mar-a-Lago home — one year before Special Counsel Jack Smith then raided the residence to look for classified documents.
Smith indicted Trump in June of 2023 for allegedly mishandling classified documents, one year after armed federal agents raided Mar-a-Lago in search of such documents.
The General Services Administration (GSA) was in talks with Trump’s team both during and after his term regarding “pallets” of items from the president’s tenure, emails show. The GSA informed Trump’s transition team that there were six pallets that needed to be transferred from Virginia to Florida.
Of the six pallets, two were designated to be sent to Mar-a-Lago and four to a West Palm Beach storage unit, according to emails. The two pallets to be delivered to Mar-a-Lago from an Arlington, Virginia facility contained “document boxes,” according to an email previewing the shipping charges.
“I understand that we are ready to ship,” read an email sent Aug. 26, 2021 by Kathy Geisler, the director of the Office of Portfolio Management and Real Estate’s Program Execution Division, that included Trump aide Beau Harrison as a recipient. “I know that originally we had 3 pallets going to the storage unit — that is now 4 pallets going to the storage unit. 2 Pallets will go to Mar-a-Lago.”
A July 2021 letter from Harrison stated the items to be shipped from Arlington, Virginia to Palm Beach, Florida were “required to wind down the Office of the Former President or are items that are property of the Federal Government.”
It is unclear how long the pallets sat in the Virginia facility or who had access to them.
An FBI agent said during a witness interview that the GSA was in possession of six pallets and that the office “contacted the office of 45 to inform them that, you know, they have to go,” according to a screenshot of the transcript posted by independent journalist Julie Kelly.
“They — someone has to pick them up, or they have to be shipped, or something to that effect.”
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) was also involved in the transition, but by June 2021, NARA archivist David Ferriero had become frustrated by the pace of “good-faith efforts” by Trump’s team to address NARA’s concerns, a filing screenshot posted by Kelly shows.
The Federalist asked NARA whether the pallets shipped by GSA included the documents that were later confiscated by Smith’s team during their raid of Mar-a-Lago, and NARA’s media staff responded that the agency had “no awareness about the contents of the materials on the pallets and had no involvement in the move project that is referenced in the GSA emails.”
“NARA was harassing Trump throughout 2021 for what they insisted were government records apparently WITHOUT contacting GSA to search dozens of boxes in their possession,” Kelly observed.
President Joe Biden, whose Justice Department is carrying out this and another political prosecution of Trump, escaped indictment for his own classified documents scandal after a special counsel determined it would be hard to convince a jury that the aging president committed “a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”


So, in other words, the federal government shipped boxes of classified information from government storage to Trump at Mar-a-Lago, then charged him for possessing it, then rescinded his clearance after charging him.


University of Florida drops another statement on pro-Hamas protests.

The University of Florida, who had cops hand out a statement last week to protesters warning of stiff consequences for those participating in these pro-Hamas encampments, just dropped another statement.
Here’s what they said:

“This is not complicated. The University of Florida is not a daycare, and we do not treat protesters like children — they knew the rules, they broke the rules, and they’ll face the consequences. For many days, we have patently told protesters – many of whom are outside agitators – that they were able to exercise their right to free speech and free assembly. And we also told them that clearly prohibited activities would result in a trespassing order from UPD (barring them from all university properties for three years) and an interim suspension from the university. For days, UPD patiently and consistently reiterated the rules. Today, individuals who refused to comply were arrested after UPD gave multiple warnings and multiple opportunities to comply.”
Notice they point out that many of the pro-Hamas protesters were “outside agitators”, which were no doubt being paid by Soros and other leftist billionaires.
Whatever the case, UF is the shining example of how to deal with these protesters and every university – especially Columbia – should do exactly this. Problem solved.


Unhinged 63-Year-Old New York Leftist with TDS Gets Rude Awakening – Is Arrested for Keying Pickup Truck with ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Sticker in Florida.

(Don't bring your TDS to Florida.)
A 63-year-old leftist from Syracuse, New York, has been arrested in Florida after being accused of keying a pickup truck with a “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker that provoked his ire. (“…it infuriated me.”)
Richard Philip Brothers was arrested on March 26, 2024, after he was caught on camera keying a green Toyota Tundra in the parking lot of a Winn-Dixie supermarket in Monroe County, Florida. The incident occurred two days prior, on March 24.
According to the police report obtained by The Gateway Pundit, “Richard Brothers knowingly and intentionally used a key to scrape the paint on the victim’s vehicle. Richard admitted he did this on purpose because he saw a “Lets go Brandon” bumper sticker on the victim’s vehicle and he did not like it. Richard’s actions require the truck to be repainted which will cost approximately $3,000 to $6,000.”
Brothers was identified via security footage that captured him deliberately scratching the truck after noticing the sticker.
“I was able to identify Richard through my investigation and contacted Richard on his cell phone. Richard primarily lives in New York but owns a vacation house in Summerland Key where he agreed to meet with me. I arrived at Richard’s house and asked him if he knew what this was about, to which he said no,” Officer Lane said on his police report.
Police: “Do you remember what you did when you walked out of Winn-Dixie to the green Toyota Tundra? What did you do to it?”
Brothers: “I scratched it.”
Police: “Why? Was it the bumper sticker? Because they’ve got a ton of security footage there, man. Okay, so I see you walking behind it, and you look over at it, and she’s got a sticker that says, ‘Let’s Go Brandon,” or something.”
Brothers: “I guess it infuriated me.”
Police: “Was that it? That’s the only reason you did it. You don’t know who owns the truck or anything?”
Brothers: “Yeah, that’s the only reason I did it.”
Police: “Mr. Brothers, here’s the unfortunate news. She wants to press charges, so I have to take you to jail, sir… It costs about 6,000. It’s a felony. When you damage someone’s property over $1,000, it’s a felony. Normally, I would get a warrant for you, but since it’s a felony and it just happened two days ago, I don’t need a warrant.”
In Florida, criminal mischief resulting in damage of 1,000 or more is classified as a third-degree felony. This can carry a sentence of up to five years in prison and a 5,000 fine, along with the obligation for the offender to provide restitution to the victim.
The owner of the truck that was keyed has decided to press charges, resulting in the swift arrest of Brothers without the need for an arrest warrant, due to the recent and severe nature of the crime. He was jailed overnight. Brothers’ wife did not appear happy about the situation. She became very angry at Richard for doing this.
Richard was arrested and transported to Key West Jail. The preliminary hearing for this case is scheduled for April 30, 2024, where Brothers will face Judge Mark Wilson in a pretrial hearing to address the charges.

The body cam video footage (11:19) is at the link:

Random Memes/Cartoons Dump

 Chain Link Infinity Cube

 Indian Paintbrush

 Indian Blue Peacock




Fatass dude exposes his fat surrounding his genitals to women at YMCA - This should be the headline. The actual headline will make you dizzy if you aren’t ‘woke.’
This article was out in 2023, but this is the first time I saw it.

A judge ruled that a transgender woman (dude) could not have indecently exposed her (his) penis in a YMCA female changing room after agreeing with her (his) claim that she's (he’s) too fat for it to be visible.
Darren Glines, who now goes by Rachel, was found not guilty of three counts of indecent exposure at the facility in Xenia, Ohio.
Judge David McNamee cleared Glines after agreeing that the size of her belly meant it would be impossible for anyone to see her penis. 
Glines, 31, has had several complaints made against her dating back to 2021 – with at least three people complaining that they saw a 'naked male in the female locker room.'
One of the complaints stated that there were three juveniles present during the incident, with a woman going to the front desk to report the issue.
But she was reassured by a worker that it was 'actually a woman' and that she 'shouldn't have been disturbed' but the incident.
Judge David McNamee said that there was 'little dispute as to the facts of the case' as Glines was authorized by the Executive Director of the YMC to use the women's locker room.
Jacqueline Brockman said that Glines was allowed to use the facilities at all of the Greater Dayton area YMCA locations.
The case was legally brought against Darren Glines, but she now goes by the first name of Rachel and has not had gender reassignment surgery.
McNamee said: 'There is no question that Glines was in the women's locker room. However, Glines was not charged with trespass, nor was Glines charged with being in an area of the YMCA where Glines was not supposed to be.
'Quiet simply, the facts do not exist to support a find of guilt, as charges. Glines' genitalia was not visible as a result of other portions of her body covering same.'
Glines' lawyers, Lauren and Keara Dever, both argued that she was so fat that her gut would obscure her genitalia.
In a statement released on Monday, Glines' attorneys said: 'It's unfortunate not only for her, but for the entire community, that the filing of these charges ever occurred.
'We are grateful that the rule of law and the truth prevailed so that Ms. Glines and the community can move on in peace.' (Well ... at least the fatass gender pretender community can move on in peace ...)


1966 GMC Suburban Custom 6X6



A flock of wild Floridian Lawn Flamingos can pick a T-rex clean in less than 2 minutes.

The Schmidt Family Reunion, 1925 ... lol, not really:

The Charlie Birger gang, famous for their southern Illinois bootlegging and their ‘war’ with the KKK. The gang's leader, Charlie Birger, is sitting in the middle on top of the car. Shady Rest, Illinois, 1925. This was during the days when you could buy a Thompson at the local hardware store.
Charles ‘Charlie’ Birger was publicly hanged on April 19, 1928. From what I have read, he was reportedly the last man to be ‘publicly’ hanged in Illinois.


I don’t usually use Wikipedia as recommended reading but this is one of the very few links you can find on the Birger/KKK war.


 That kitten is fighting for his life ...




Monday, April 29, 2024

Just in case you've never seen a scallop 'swimming'.


 Today is National "DO NOT STOP FOR PROTESTORS AND RIOTERS" Day. Remember Reginald Denny. Los Angeles CA. 4.29.1992. (It's actually not a recognized 'Day', but it should be.)


IF THIS IS TRUE, No matter what you think about Kristi Noem, because she is a Republican, she just committed political suicide.


Random Memes/Cartoons Dump

Emotional Outlet


 Petrified Wood

Medieval Humor - Abbey Of St. Foy - Conques, France - cir. 1050

When Amazon wants proof that the package didn't arrive ...

Me explaining to God that my sense of humor and sarcasm were to blame for the memes and jokes that He has issues with. And I mentioned that He was the one who made me this way ... 



 Anything but the rabbit hole ... the rabbit hole costs extra.


And that was the day that Ronnie decided they had left him no choice but to burn the f**king daycare to the ground.


Random Political Memes/Cartoons Dump

 Is that racist? Well ... I AM White and from all that the 'woke' cult tells me, being White is inherently and unavoidably racist and I dare not deny it because that same 'woke' cult tells me that to be White and deny being racist is ALSO racist so I'm between a racist rock and a racist hard place.


Been There. Done That.