Friday, June 30, 2023

 Mega 14,000 Solar Panel Park Destroyed by Single Hail Storm

The Scottsbluff, Nebraska 5.2 MW Community Solar project was part of the NPPD’s Sunwise program that consisted of an array has over 14,000 solar panels. It’s reported that it had been put into operation in 2019.
Surely the project had been ceremoniously put into operation, with dignitaries and proponents proclaiming it would reliably deliver cheap and clean energy, reduce the state’s carbon footprint and contribute to a bright and climate-friendly future.
Now it has been just recently reported that the multimillion dollar solar energy park was literally reduced to a heap of rubble as hail literally pummeled it to a pulp in just a matter of minutes days ago.
How many of our federal dollars went into this project? Who is going to pay for the clean up? Where are they going to dump all of these damaged panels? The industry standard life expectancy is 25 years with the break even point at usually at about ten years. That is with big buck grants no doubt. Where does one dump all of these at the end of their normal lifespan because NONE of it can be recycled.
Inquiring mind stuff.
The disaster underscores once again just how vulnerable to the forces of nature solar energy parks are. The system’s 25-year expected lifetime was cut to down to less than 4 years, and makes you wonder if setting up such weather-vulnerable plants make any sense at all.

 Calif. Gov. ‘Hair Gel’ Newsom's slam on SCOTUS' affirmative action ruling got awkward FAST.


The 15 Best Zingers, Maxims, And Mic-Drops From Clarence Thomas’ Harvard Concurrence.
Thomas wrote a nearly 60-page concurrence to express his horror at institutionalized racial discrimination in 21st-century America.
The Supreme Court’s Thursday decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College dealt an overdue blow to race-based college admissions, and some of the best punches were thrown by Justice Clarence Thomas in his concurrence.
The court ruled that so-called “affirmative action” at Harvard and the University of North Carolina were in violation of the 14th Amendment and its application via the Civil Rights Act. Policies that discriminate based on race without demonstrating a compelling public interest, the six justices in the majority agreed, are not compatible with our founding principles of equal rights under the law for every American.
In addition to signing on to the majority opinion authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, Thomas wrote a nearly 60-page concurrence to express his horror at the idea of institutionalized racial discrimination in 21st-century America. Here are 15 of his best lines.


1. The best way to fix discrimination is not more discrimination.
“[T]he Constitution continues to embody a simple truth: Two discriminatory wrongs cannot make a right.”
2. Courts can’t defer to the discriminating body about whether the discrimination is justified.
“Universities’ self-proclaimed righteousness does not afford them license to discriminate on the basis of race. In fact, it is error for a court to defer to the views of an alleged discriminator while assessing claims of racial discrimination. … To the extent past is prologue, the university respondents’ histories hardly recommend them as trustworthy arbiters of whether racial discrimination is necessary to achieve educational goals.”
3. Using the 14th Amendment to justify discrimination is “self-defeating.”
“Without such guardrails, the Fourteenth Amendment would become self-defeating, promising a Nation based on the equality ideal but yielding a quota- and caste-ridden society steeped in race-based discrimination.”
4. Racial preferences don’t end inequality, they increase it.
“Both experience and logic have vindicated the Constitution’s colorblind rule and confirmed that the universities’ new narrative cannot stand. Despite the Court’s hope in Grutter that universities would voluntarily end their race-conscious programs and further the goal of racial equality, the opposite appears increasingly true. Harvard and UNC now forthrightly state that they racially discriminate when it comes to admitting students, [and] defend that discrimination as good.”
5. History indicates we should be distrustful of “experts” who say racial discrimination is “helpful.”
“I would have thought that history had by now taught a “greater humility” when attempting to “distinguish good from harmful uses of racial criteria.” From the Black Codes, to discriminatory and destructive social welfare programs, to discrimination by individual government actors, bigotry has reared its ugly head time and again. Anyone who today thinks that some form of racial discrimination will prove “helpful” should thus tread cautiously, lest racial discriminators succeed (as they once did) in using such language to disguise more invidious motives. … [E]xperts and elites have been wrong before — and they may prove to be wrong again.”
6. Dealing unfair advantages to one necessarily means dealing unfair disadvantages to another.
“[I]t is not even theoretically possible to “help” a certain racial group without causing harm to members of other racial groups[.] … [T]he zero-sum nature of college admissions — where students compete for a finite number of seats in each school’s entering class — aptly demonstrates the point.”
7. Young people today are not liable for the sins of generations past.
“[U]niversities’ discriminatory policies burden millions of applicants who are not responsible for the racial discrimination that sullied our Nation’s past. … Whatever their skin color, today’s youth simply are not responsible for instituting the segregation of the 20th century, and they do not shoulder the moral debts of their ancestors.”
8. A hyperfocus on race communicates to new generations that they should allow racial differences to influence their perception of others.
“[S]orting by race … increasingly encourage[s] our Nation’s youth to view racial differences as important and segregation as routine.”
9. The end goal of affirmative action is a world in which people are defined by the color of their skin.
“What, then, would be the endpoint of these affirmative action policies? Not racial harmony, integration, or equality under the law. Rather, these policies appear to be leading to a world in which everyone is defined by their skin color, demanding ever-increasing entitlements and preferences on that basis. … That is the same naked racism upon which segregation itself was built. Small wonder, then, that these policies are leading to increasing racial polarization and friction.”
10. The only solution to racism is true equality under the law.
“Racialism simply cannot be undone by different or more racialism. Instead, the solution announced in the second founding is incorporated in our Constitution: that we are all equal, and should be treated equally before the law without regard to our race. Only that promise can allow us to look past our differing skin colors and identities and see each other for what we truly are: individuals with unique thoughts, perspectives, and goals, but with equal dignity and equal rights under the law.”
11. People are defined by their choices, not by their circumstances.
“Individuals are the sum of their unique experiences, challenges, and accomplishments. What matters is not the barriers they face, but how they choose to confront them. And their race is not to blame for everything — good or bad — that happens in their lives. A contrary, myopic world view based on individuals’ skin color to the total exclusion of their personal choices is nothing short of racial determinism.”
12. Elites at institutions such as Harvard should not be picking “racial winners and losers.”
“History has taught us to abhor theories that call for elites to pick racial winners and losers in the name of sociological experimentation.”
13. Victimization perpetuates itself with no end.
“Must others in the future make sacrifices to re-level the playing field for this new phase of racial subordination? And then, out of whose lives should the debt owed to those further victims be repaid? This vision of meeting social racism with government-imposed racism is thus self-defeating, resulting in a never-ending cycle of victimization.”
14. Meritocracy is a “great equalizer.”
“[M]eritocratic systems have long refuted bigoted misperceptions of what black students can accomplish. … Such scales have always been a great equalizer — offering a metric for achievement that bigotry could not alter. Racial preferences take away this benefit, eliminating the very metric by which those who have the most to prove can clearly demonstrate their accomplishments — both to themselves and to others.”
15. To override the Constitution with a racial agenda is to make the same error as segregationists of the past.
“The great failure of this country was slavery and its progeny. And, the tragic failure of this Court was its misinterpretation of the Reconstruction Amendments, as Justice Harlan predicted in Plessy. We should not repeat this mistake merely because we think, as our predecessors thought, that the present arrangements are superior to the Constitution.”

 YUGE paper trail ... and he forgot to wipe ... need to ask Hillary* about that, lol.

*Remember when Hillary joked to reporters in Las Vegas about whether she "wiped" her email server clean before giving it to the FBI. “What? Like with a cloth or something?”

 Maybe the catch of the year ... maybe not ... but a damn impressive catch.

 TV Doctor and ‘Vaccination Expert’ Dr. Alfredo Victoria DIES SUDDENLY at 42.

A popular Mexican TV doctor who regularly appeared on “Mexico Today” as a “vaccination expert” died suddenly from a myocardial infarction, according to reports.
Dr. Alfredo Victoria Moreno was only 42 years old when he died in his sleep early Monday. He was a vocal advocate of COVID mRNA vaccines.
Dr. Alfredo’s massive global fanbase took to social media to mourn his untimely death. They referred to his passing as a “tragedy.”
The physically fit medical doctor and public health specialist had no preexisting medical conditions. He regularly appeared on TODAY (“HOY!”) to administer vaccines to the show’s staff on the air.
Dr. Alfredo encouraged his 440,000 Instagram followers to get vaccinated. He also had a large following on TikTok and he ran the website
Anti-vaxxers added Dr. Alfredo’s name to the long list of young people who “died suddenly” of heart attacks or strokes within the last 2 years.


Fauxahauntas Warren spews lies and propagandist poo about the racist policy that the SCOTUS struck down and James Woods reminds us why Liberals/Democrats/POCS depend on those racist policies. 


 Paul Joseph Watson
The Truth About Barbie

Wokeism ruins everything.
Fearing box office disaster, Barbie movie creators are scrambling to insist it’s not ‘woke’.
The film features a transgender doctor Barbie, suggests traditional masculinity is harmful, and the entire thing is predicated on girlboss feminist cringe.
You be the judge.
When the ad starts, you can skip to 4:43

 Black Conservatives praise SCOTUS decision striking down government-sanctioned racism.

Black conservatives praised the Supreme Court’s Thursday decision to strike down government mandated race-based admissions policies at colleges and universities.
The court ruled so-called “affirmative action policies” violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. While liberals lamented the ruling and claimed it will bring segregation, many black conservatives have celebrated.
Ambassadors with the Project 21 Black Leadership Network called the case “a 21st century Brown v. Board moment.”
“Today we have a 21st century Brown v. Board moment,” Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper said, according to its press release. “Finally, the Court has ruled that colleges and universities will have to use only methods that are ‘race-neutral’ for admissions and will no longer be able to discriminate against or in favor of applicants based on their race.”
“No student should have to worry that they will be prevented from entry into college because of their race, and thanks to today’s ruling, no student will,” he added.
“Today was clearly a victory for the country,” added Donna Jackson, Project 21’s director of membership development. “Fixing our college admission process shouldn’t start with affirmative action initiatives; it should start with accountability at the K-12 level. The process clearly punished success and rewarded failure. Merit-based admissions ensures we are competitive not only in the marketplace, but in the world where innovation is needed. Setting low expectations for our students only creates low performance outcomes. We must always strive to challenge the next generation to ensure American greatness.”
Other prominent black Americans applauded the court’s decision.
“I applaud the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling today that will ensure college admissions are based on a student’s merits, not the color of their skin,” Republican Virginia Lt. Gov Winsome Sears tweeted. “Students across America, regardless of their background, will now have access to the best educational opportunities available and be judged on their academic achievements and the content of their character — as they should be. Today’s decision is a tremendous victory for our country and gives our children a hope and a future. America continues to work toward her declared ideal that all men are created equal.”


“This is the day we understand that being judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin, is what our Constitution intended,” Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott said. “Today’s SCOTUS decision on Affirmative Action is good news for every single corridor of this nation and one we should celebrate. I thank God Almighty that America continues to work towards being that more perfect union. The good news in our nation is anyone from anywhere at any time can rise above and beyond their circumstances to live out their American Dream.”


Other minority Republican candidates, including Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy, both of whom are of Indian descent, praised the decision.
“The world admires America because we value freedom & opportunity,” Haley said. “SCOTUS re-affirmed those values today. Picking winners & losers based on race is fundamentally wrong. This decision will help every student—no matter their background—have a better opportunity to achieve the American dream.”


“Affirmative action is the single greatest form of institutional racism in America today,” Ramaswamy said. “The Supreme Court just struck it down in college admissions. As President, I will end it in every sphere of American life. Meritocracy and ‘equity’ are fundamentally incompatible. Mark my words: ‘elite’ universities will now start to play complex games to achieve the same results using shadow tactics like deprioritizing test scores. This is unlawful and I will instruct the Justice Department to end these illegal practices.”

 To tell the truth … I don’t care if the door hits you in the ass … good riddance, you liberal freak.

 Biden Picks Up After Journalist Calls Secret Burner Phone Revealed In Hunter Scandal.

On Sunday, investigative journalist and Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer revealed that Hunter Biden had been paying for a secret global phone from AT&T to the tune of $300 per month.
“We know from the laptop that Hunter Biden’s business paid for a private phone line that Joe Biden used while he was vice president,” Schweizer told Fox News‘ Maria Bartiromo. “It was from AT&T, it was $300 a month, it was a global phone where you could access somebody anywhere around the world.”
“We shared that phone number and that account information with people in the House Oversight Committee. My hope is that they if they haven’t already, they will subpoena those records because I think it will give an indication on how tight the communication was.

And that may be the phone, for example, that the Ukrainian, the Burisma executive might have used in this allegation that the he talked to Joe Biden in recorded conversations.” -Peter Schweizer



Now get this – journalist John Solomon called the phone, and President Joe Biden picked up!
“One of those documents got leaked to me and it had a cell phone number that Hunter Biden was paying for, so I figured this was my chance. I’ve been trying to get fair comment from Hunter Biden, so I’m gonna call the cell phone!” Solomon told Real America’s Voice. “So I called the cell phone, and guess who picked up the phone? Joe Biden!”
“Joe Biden! Boy was he shocked when he got – when he picked up the phone and found out it was me,” Solomon continued, adding “He hung up pretty quickly!“

 Planned Parenthood Declares VIRGINITY “A Social Construct.”

(Liberalism is a disease like herpes. It destroys the body and then rots the mind.)
Apparently the MOST EFFECTIVE form of planned parenthood isn’t considered justifiable because virgins don’t put money in the Planned Parenthood/Democratic coffers.

 Fetterman caught on PA trailcam.


 They need to swap 'em out from time to time.

She's pretty fit and healthy for a crackhead ... don't date crazy.

 Karine Jean Pierre throws smoke bomb and disappears when asked about Hunter Biden texts.


This is for Kamala because she loves Venn Diagrams


My brothers response:


Florida Keys - Some History

About five years before Florida became a territory of the U.S., the Spanish government granted a friar named Francisco Ferreira ownership of Key Vaca, Boot Key, Viper (Long) Key, Duck Key and Knights Key. Some of those islands fall under the Marathon umbrella today, including the largest of Marathon’s islands, Key Vaca. When the Adams-Onis Treaty was signed in 1819, and the Florida Territory was transferred to the U.S. from Spain, the U.S. government recognized all property transactions that had occurred during Spain’s ownership of the land.
"Key" is derived from the Spanish word cayo, meaning small island. According to National Geographic and other geologic sites, islands are formed by rocks and earthen materials. Keys are created by the activity of living corals as they build a reef, essentially a “small, low-lying coral island.”

These transactions are called Spanish Land Grants. Any island that was part of a Spanish Land Grant was considered a privately owned island that could be legally bought and sold, providing that a proper paper trail documenting ownership could be provided. The Spanish Land Grants were similar to the Homestead Act of 1862, which awarded up to 160 acres of federal land to anyone who agreed to settle that acreage, live on it for five years, and improve the property.
Both were programs that encouraged pioneers to settle in otherwise wild frontier lands.
In the Florida Keys, there were only a handful of islands that fell into the category known as the Spanish Land Grants. The most famous island in this category was Key West. However, most of the islands associated with Spanish Land Grants were found in the Middle Keys.
According to the Saturday, June 13, 1891, edition of The Democratic Advocate, Key Vaca and the Middle Keys have been passed up in favor of Key West for quite some time: “The first settlement on this archipelago of the gulf was made on Key Vaca about the year 1818 by fishermen from Mystic, Conn. In their fishing excursions they found that Key West, from its deep, spacious harbor and easy access afforded them a better situation. So, they abandoned their primitive and roughly constructed homes and betook themselves to Key West, 50 miles farther Southwest (the most southerly point of Uncle Sam’s dominions,) where they erected new homes and plied their vocations under a tropical sun on the verge of the Gulf Stream.”
It was not the last settlement that would develop on Key Vaca. The small community called Port Monroe was established circa 1822, and a few years later, the more substantial community called Conchtown, home to about 200 people at its zenith, developed on the island. During the second escalation of the Seminole War, however, the threat of Indian warfare, as well as the attack at Indian Key on August 7, 1840, drove most every settler to leave the Upper and Middle Keys. The second escalation of the war began in 1835 and ended in 1842, at which point people began to return to the islands that were largely abandoned during the hostilities.
The May 30, 1851, edition of Scotland’s Glasgow Herald printed a story about the Florida Keys. It made the following observation: “Key West is the only island having any considerable settlement upon it, though Key Vacas and Indian Key and some few others have a few occupants.”
Key Vaca really began to develop after the turn of the century when Henry Flagler’s men began to carve their path down the middle of the island chain. There were small settlements in the Middle Keys before the idea for a train to Key West came to fruition. The small community called Adderley Town (where Crane Point Hammock is today) developed about the same time Flagler’s railroad tracks were being built. Marathon, however, grew up as a railroad town that was cast in the shadow of Key West like every other community that developed along the island chain.
When State Road 4A, the road that became known as the Overseas Highway, was planned, its architects, too, decided to bypass the Middle Keys. When the first version of the highway opened to public transit in 1928, the road stopped at Lower Matecumbe Key in the Upper Keys and picked up again at No Name Key in the Lower Keys. The two points were connected by an automobile ferry that steamed right past Key Vaca and the rest of the Middle Keys.
It was not until the early 1930s that 13.5 miles of road were developed to link two newly created ferry landings, one at Grassy Key and one at Hog Key*. When the second incarnation of the Overseas Highway opened in 1938, the Middle Keys were connected to Key West and the mainland by the road. In the interim, Marathon has developed into the heart of the Middle Keys.
The Overseas Highway, running from the mainland to Key West, connects all of the main islands and is one of the longest overwater roads in the world, with 42 bridges, including one 7-mile (11-km) span. Completed in 1938, the highway was built over the route of the Florida East Coast Railway, finished in 1912 by financier and developer Henry M. Flagler and destroyed by the 1935 hurricane.

Hog Key was formerly located at the western end of Vaca Key between Vaca Key and Knight's Key. The opening between these keys was filled during construction of the Florida East Coast Railway, and Hog Key no longer exists as a separate island.

Upper Florida Keys: Key Largo

Upper Florida Keys: Islamorada
Located south of Key Largo, Islamorada is a collection of six keys – Plantation Key, Windley Key, Upper Matecumbe Key, Lower Matecumbe Key and two offshore islands – Indian Key and Lignumvitae Key.

Middle Florida Keys: Marathon
The Marathon area and Middle Keys include: Long Key, the Conch Keys, Duck Key, Knight Keys, Hog Key, Vaca Key, Long Point Key, Stirrup Key, Crawl and Little Crawl Key, East and West Sister’s Island, Deer Key and Fat Deer Key, Grassy Key, and Pigeon Key.

Lower Florida Keys: Bahia Honda Key to Key West
The lower keys include: Bahia Honda Key, Spanish Harbor Key, Big Pine Key, Little Torch Key, Middle Torch Key, Big Torch Key, Ramrod Key, Summerland Key, Cudjoe Key, Sugarloaf Key, Saddlebunch Keys, Boca Chica Key, Stock Island, Key West. When you’re in Key West, the southernmost point of the continental United States, you’re closer to Cuba than to Miami.

Dry Tortugas Keys
Dry Tortugas National Park is a collection of islands located about 70 miles west of Key West. The park includes seven tiny islands: Garden Key, Loggerhead Key, Bush Key, Long Key, Hospital Key, Middle Key and East Key.
Dry Tortugas is home to Fort Jefferson, a massive 19th-century brick fort that was built to protect the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico.


Waiting for the Ferry: Cars waiting for the ferry on the west end of Lower Matecumbe. The first Overseas Highway was known for its 40-mile water gap between Lower Matecumbe Key and No Name
Key. This was serviced twice a day by ferry service. The cost was $3.50 for cars under 14 feet and $6.50 for those over 16 feet. The trip typically took 4 to 5 hours.
In June of 1929 the road from Hog Key to Grassy Key was completed reducing the trip to a pair of 14-mile trips.

Hog Key was formerly located at the western end of Vaca Key between Vaca Key and Knight's Key. The opening between these keys was filled during construction of the Florida East Coast Railway, and Hog Key no longer exists as a separate island.

 DeSantis Says He Will Eliminate Four Federal Agencies If Elected President.

GOP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is running for the White House in 2024, said in an interview this week that as president he would shut down a slew of government agencies, including the Department of Education and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
DeSantis made the remarks in an interview with Fox News’ Martha McCallum on Wednesday.
“Are you in favor of eliminating any agencies? I know conservatives in the past have talked about closing the Department of Education. Would you do that?” McCallum asked.
“So we would do education. We would do commerce. We’d do energy, and we would do IRS. So, if Congress will work with me on doing that, we’ll be able to reduce the size and scope of government,” he said.
“What I’m also going to do, Martha, is be prepared if Congress won't go that far, I’m going to use those agencies to push back against woke ideology and against the leftism that we see creeping into all institutions of American life,” DeSantis added.
DeSantis’ statement comes shortly after he unveiled a sweeping immigration plan that would end U.S. birthright citizenship and crack down on border security, including continuing construction of a border wall.
“We will take action to end the idea that the children of illegal aliens are entitled to birthright citizenship if they are born in the United States. Dangling the prize of citizenship to the future offspring of illegal immigrants is a major driver of illegal migration. It is also inconsistent with the original understanding of 14th Amendment, and we will force the courts and Congress to finally address this failed policy,” DeSantis’ campaign website states. The plan was unveiled during a visit to the border town of Eagle Pass, Texas, the Miami Herald reported.
Last month, former President Donald Trump vowed to end birthright citizenship through an executive order, NBC News noted. The former president and 2024 candidate argued that it would “choke off a major incentive for continued illegal immigration.”

 Bitter Michelle ‘Michael’ Obama Releases Statement Following SCOTUS Ruling Against Affirmative Action – But Conveniently Leaves Out Why She Was Accepted to Princeton.

In a historic ruling, The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the Harvard and UNC race-based affirmative action programs are unconstitutional.
Schools nationwide will no longer be able to discriminate against students on the basis of race.
How outlandish were Harvard’s affirmative action policies?
An African American student placed within the 40th percentile of their academic index is more likely to gain admission than an Asian student who ranks in the topmost, 100th percentile.
Similarly, Black students who fall within the 50th percentile have greater chances of acceptance than White students who are at the pinnacle of their academic performance.
Following the ruling, bitter Michelle ‘Michael’ Obama, issued a statement.
“Back in college, I was one of the few Black students on my campus, and I was proud of getting into such a respected school. I knew I’d worked hard for it. But still, I sometimes wondered if people thought I got there because of affirmative action. It was a shadow that students like me couldn’t shake, whether those doubts came from the outside or inside our own minds. … So today, my heart breaks for any young person out there who’s wondering what their future holds – and what kinds of chances will be open to them. And while I know the strength and grit that lies inside kids who have always had to sweat a little more to climb the same ladders, I hope and I pray that the rest of us are willing to sweat a little, too. Today is a reminder that we’ve got to do the work not just to enact policies that reflect our values of* equity and fairness, but to truly make those values real in all of our schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods.”
Michelle Obama points to her own experiences as proof positive of the benefits of affirmative action. In doing so, she conflates her individual success story with the systematic implementation of racial preferences that Harvard and other universities have been practicing for decades.
However, Michelle 'Michael' Obama conveniently forgot to mention why she was accepted into Princeton when her test scores were so low.
The Gateway Pundit reported this back in May 2008.

 On This Date In Music

1977 - Marvel Comics publishes a Kiss comic book with a vial of their blood mixed into the ink.

 1979 - Anita Ward started a two week run at No. 1 on the US singles chart with 'Ring My Bell'.


1984 - The Huey Lewis & the News album Sports claims a week at No. 1 in the US. It's one of just five albums to top the chart in 1984.


 On This Date In History

On June 30, 1936, Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind, one of the best-selling novels of all time and the basis for a blockbuster 1939 movie, is published.
In 1926, Mitchell was forced to quit her job as a reporter at the Atlanta Journal to recover from a series of physical injuries. With too much time on her hands, Mitchell soon grew restless. Working on a Remington typewriter, a gift from her second husband, John R. Marsh, in their cramped one bedroom apartment, Mitchell began telling the story of an Atlanta belle named Pansy O’Hara.
In tracing Pansy’s life from the antebellum South through the Civil War and into the Reconstruction era, Mitchell drew on the tales she had heard from her parents and other relatives, as well as from Confederate war veterans she had met as a young girl. The story presents a romanticized view of the Old South and does not engage with the horrors of slavery. While she was extremely secretive about her work, Mitchell eventually gave the manuscript to Harold Latham, an editor from New York’s MacMillan Publishing. Latham encouraged Mitchell to complete the novel, with one important change: the heroine’s name. Mitchell agreed to change it to Scarlett.
Published in 1936, Gone with the Wind caused a sensation in Atlanta and went on to sell millions of copies in the United States and throughout the world. The book drew criticism for its whitewashed depictions of slavery. Mitchell nonetheless won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937, and by that time a movie project was already in the works. The film was produced by Hollywood giant David O. Selznick, who paid Mitchell a record-high $50,000 for the film rights to her book.
After testing hundreds of unknowns and big name stars to play Scarlett, Selznick hired British actress Vivien Leigh days after filming began.
Though she didn’t take part in the film adaptation of her book, Mitchell did attend its premiere in December 1939 in Atlanta. She died just 10 years later, after she was struck by a speeding car while crossing Atlanta’s Peachtree Street.

On June 30, 1974, considered one of the world’s greatest ballet dancers of all time, Soviet virtuoso choreographs his own Cold War-era defection from the U.S.S.R. after four years of planning.
Known as “Misha” to his admirers, Baryshnikov, then 26, finished a performance with the Leningrad-based Kirov Ballet in Toronto while on a Canadian tour, and then evaded his KGB handlers, disappearing into the crowd outside, hopping into a waiting car and hiding out until he was officially granted political asylum in Canada. Soon after, he received political asylum in the United States, where he became principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre and the New York City Ballet. He became a U.S. citizen on July 3, 1986.
Baryshnikov called the defection an artistic choice rather than a political one.
“When I was in Toronto, I finally decided that if I let the opportunity of expanding my art in the West slip by, it would haunt me always,” he told The Globe and Mail in his first post-defection interview. “What I have done is called a crime in Russia … But my life is my art and I realized it would be a greater crime to destroy that. I want to work with some of the West's great choreographers if they think I am worthy of their creations.”
Baryshnikov told People magazine in 1985 that the defection unfolded like a thriller.
“It was arranged secretly through friends,” he said. “I was running, the getaway car was waiting a few blocks away as we were boarding on the group’s bus. KGB was watching us. It was actually funny. Fans are waiting for me outside the stage door, and I walk out and I start to run, and they start to run after me for autograph. They were laughing, I was running for my life. It was very emotional moment, I tell you.”

On June 30, 1971, the three Soviet cosmonauts who served as the first crew of the world’s first space station die when their spacecraft depressurizes during reentry.
On June 6, the cosmonauts Georgi Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov, and Viktor Patsayev were launched into space aboard Soyuz 11 on a mission to dock and enter Salyut 1, the Soviet space station that had been placed in orbit in April. The spacecraft successfully docked with the station, and the cosmonauts spent 23 days orbiting the earth. On June 30, they left Salyut 1 and began reentry procedures. When they fired the explosive bolts to separate the Soyuz 11 reentry capsule from another stage of the spacecraft, a critical valve was jerked open.
One hundred miles above the earth, the capsule was suddenly exposed to the nearly pressureless environment of space. As the capsule rapidly depressurized, Patsayev tried to close the valve by hand but failed. Minutes later, the cosmonauts were dead. As a result of the tragedy, the Soviet Union did not send any future crews to Salyut 1, and it was more than two years before they attempted another manned mission.


On June 30, 1934, in Germany, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler orders a bloody purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of Nazis whom he believed had the potential to become political enemies in the future. The leadership of the Nazi Storm Troopers (SA), whose four million members had helped bring Hitler to power in the early 1930s, was especially targeted. Hitler feared that some of his followers had taken his early “National Socialism” propaganda too seriously and thus might compromise his plan to suppress workers’ rights in exchange for German industry making the country war-ready.
In the early 1920s, the ranks of Hitler’s Nazi Party swelled with resentful Germans who sympathized with the party’s bitter hatred of Germany’s democratic government, leftist politics, and Jews. In November 1923, after the German government resumed the payment of war reparations to Britain and France, the Nazis launched the “Beer Hall Putsch”, their first attempt at seizing the German government by force. Hitler hoped that his nationalist revolution in Bavaria would spread to the dissatisfied German army, which in turn would bring down the government in Berlin. However, the uprising was immediately suppressed, and Hitler was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison for high treason.
Sent to Landsberg jail, he spent his time dictating his autobiography, Mein Kampf, and working on his oratorical skills. After nine months in prison, political pressure from supporters of the Nazi Party forced his release. During the next few years, Hitler and the other leading Nazis reorganized their party as a fanatical mass movement. In 1932, President Paul von Hindenburg defeated a presidential bid by Hitler, but in January 1933 he appointed Hitler chancellor, hoping that the powerful Nazi leader could be brought to heel as a member of the president’s cabinet.
However, Hindenburg underestimated Hitler’s political audacity, and one of the new chancellor’s first acts was to use the burning of the Reichstag building as a pretext for calling general elections. The police, under Nazi Hermann Goering, suppressed much of the party’s opposition before the election. The Nazi Party joined forces with the German National People's Party (DNVP), to gain a bare working majority in the Reichstag. Shortly after, Hitler took on absolute power through the Enabling Acts. In 1934, Hindenburg died, and the last remnants of Germany’s democratic government were dismantled, leaving Hitler the sole master of a nation intent on war and genocide.




Thursday, June 29, 2023

 Black man attempts to rob the WRONG White pregnant woman at a gas station [VIDEO].

A black man attempted to rob the wrong pregnant woman at a gas station in Houston, Texas.
Below is the video:

According to the video this just happened two days ago. Not only does the woman call for her husband, but she starts reaching in her purse for a gun as soon as the black man in the pink shirt starts coming toward them. And when he gets close that’s when she opens fire.
This is why you carry a gun. Plain and simple. You just never know when some lowlife is going to try and harm you in some way.

 Disney Fires Remaining Staffers at Woke National Geographic by John Nolte.

Today’s edition of “get woke, go broke” covers Disney’s firing of all the remaining staffers at the child-grooming National Geographic.
Oh, what a shame.
(I felt the same as the author. When I was young, National Geographic was a way to see the world and all the fascination of nature and every once in while, some native boobies.)
From the far-left Washington Post, a faltering, fake news site that seems awfully upset about the end of a magazine that promotes grooming and child mutilation…
The cutback — the latest in a series under owner Walt Disney Co. — involves some 19 editorial staffers in all, who were notified in April that these terminations were coming. Article assignments will henceforth be contracted out to freelancers or pieced together by editors. The cuts also eliminated the magazine’s small audio department.
The layoffs were the second over the past nine months, and the fourth since a series of ownership changes began in 2015. In September, Disney removed six top editors in an extraordinary reorganization of the magazine’s editorial operations.
Here’s my favorite part:
Among those who lost their jobs in the latest layoff was Debra Adams Simmons, who only last September was promoted to vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion at National Geographic Media, the entity that oversees the magazine and website.
There’s nothing like the news of a newly-unemployed DEI fascist to make my heart sing.
National Geographic will continue to publish monthly, but the writing is on the wall, and this left-wing rag that long ago betrayed its customers by becoming a propaganda outlet for the Democrat party is undoubtedly on its last legs.
And, naturally, National Geographic relentlessly pushed the Climate Change hoax.
Back in the early 80s, when I was a teenager who spent his summers living and working on my grandparent’s dairy farm, other than work there wasn’t much to do. The only TV channel available was PBS. We were miles from anything resembling even a gas station, and I had no car. There was, though, a bookshelf lined with National Geographic magazines. What a treat it was to lose yourself in a tour of our exotic and endlessly fascinating world.
The photos, the prose, the in-depth study… From that little farm in Milton, Wisconsin, I traveled the world. That was the appeal of National Geographic. Sure, even back then the magazine published articles about the rain forest, air pollution, and stuff like that, but this was a rarity. Mostly it was about taking the reader all over the world to meet all kinds of different people.
What happened to National Geographic was a real shame.
In the best way, it was once a publication that taught us tolerance and empathy for those different from us through our shared humanity. By familiarizing us with different places and people, we came to feel as though we knew them and all the human qualities we had in common. There was no preaching, no lecturing, no scolding… It was all in the subtext.
Whether it was some primitive tribe on some previously unexplored island or the Amish or the population of Antarctica, you felt a connection and with this connection a desire to let people be. That was the magazine that once attracted 12 million subscribers and enthralled a 14-year-old farm hand. That was a magazine about unity, about bringing us together in our shared world.
That’s all gone now. Now it’s ‘DEI’ and ‘Climate Change’ and ‘Pride’ filth … Divisive, smug, off-putting, agenda-driven, and worst of all, anti-progress.

 Transsexual Oppression: Guy Can’t Get Vaginal Exam.
(Dude needs to see a grill specialist first cause … DAMN.)

The authorities browbeat us with lectures about the oppression of sacred transsexuals, but it isn’t every day that we see an actual example of a guy dressed as a woman being discriminated against. This poor fellow was denied a proper vagina examination:

Liberals are psychotic by definition.

Been There. Done That.