Friday, December 20, 2024

Scott Jennings Shames CNN

And Democrats using their own asinine questions about Trump and Musk. (If they're capable of being shamed.)
The Democrats are trying to play this ridiculous game of attacking Elon Musk for objecting to the pork-filled continuing resolution that was initially put forth this week. They all were up in arms, asking who is he to weigh in?
The answer was a simple one: an American citizen — a citizen that the Democratic politicians are supposed to be serving. But imagine they all were chastising him because he wasn't an "elected" official, as though he couldn't offer his opinion. That was a sign of what they think of all of us in general, they don't think they work for us, they think they rule over us and don't have to respond. But Musk proved them wrong, and they were mad.
They wanted to anger Trump by calling Musk the "shadow president," as Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) did when she asked, "Who's the president now?" about the situation. That's pretty desperate and just shows how empty they are.
That's when CNN commentator Scott Jennings skewered them with an extremely important point.
Jennings turned that around on Jayapal as he spoke with Erin Burnett. "She [Jayapal] let the mask slip right at the end when she said, 'Who is the president right now...I mean, who is the President-elect?' She asked the right question first — who is the president right now?"

Jennings noted how the Wall Street Journal just dropped a new report detailing how the person who has been occupying the Oval Office — Joe Biden — has been "diminished for the last four years, and we've had unelected people running around, running the federal government apparently."
If the Democrats are now worried about people who aren't Donald Trump running the government or having influence, Jennings asked, "I wonder where they've been the last four years" when Joe Biden is "AWOL and apparently not able to execute the duties of the office."
Exactly. Where is Biden? We've been reporting on his incapacity for years. And the Democrats didn't give a darn. All they cared about was their own power, however it hurt the country. So suggesting that somehow Trump is a puppet is particularly ridiculous given what they did with Biden. Plus, anyone who knows how Trump operates knows Trump is the one who runs his ship. Trump isn't even in office yet, yet he's already making Democrats run rings around themselves.
Musk loved that response from Jennings.

Democrats didn't care about Biden's incapacity. They only cared if they could win. That's why they replaced Biden with someone who didn't get one vote for the top position in the primary.

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