Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Trump Rips Security Clearances From The 51 Spies Who Lied AND

Authorizes further investigation into those involved in the publication of the infamous letter.
It requires the "Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency" to "revoke any current or active clearances" of the listed 51 individuals.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Directors Mike Hayden, John Brennan, and Leon Panetta, and former National Security Advisor John Bolton are on the list.
Evidence that the newly minted 47th President is not content with simply holding people accountable who have already been publicly shamed by adding their own signatures to that letter, Trump has authorized further investigation into the matter.


Per the EO:
“(b)  Within 90 days of this order, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, shall submit a report to the President through the National Security Advisor that details:
(i)    any additional inappropriate activity that occurred within the Intelligence Community, by anyone contracted by the Intelligence Community or by anyone who held a security clearance, related to the letter signed by the 51 former intelligence officials;”
The order demands that the DNI submit an assessment within the report, providing recommendations to prevent intelligence officials from "inappropriately influencing domestic elections" in the future.
It also seeks recommendations for "any disciplinary action ... that should be taken against anyone who engaged in inappropriate conduct related to the letter signed by the 51 former intelligence officials."

Read much more at:

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