Sunday, November 17, 2024

Florida Republican Party Endorses A Democrat

The Florida Republican Party has come out with a post that is a head-turner for political wonks. The Sunshine State GOP has lent its endorsement to, of all things, a Democrat!
Call it what you will; epic trolling, spiking the football, taunting the afflicted…any and all may apply. Nikki Fried is someone who has long operated with a dense cloud of delusion. When she served in the state capitol as the Agriculture commissioner she would boast how Democrats were growing in nature when she was - literally - the only elected party member in a power role in the state legislature. She even touted being the only elected Dem in Tallahassee in her social media bio.
She then took that hubris and ran for the governor’s mansion, where she could not even win her party’s primary, losing to Charlie Crist, who went on to be curb-stomped in the election by Ron DeSantis, losing by 20 points. The Florida Democrats then wisely selected her to be the state’s party leader.
Since she took the position Fried was a regular source of head-scratching activity. She boasted about Democrats flipping some state seats, in Jacksonville and Orange County – which are Democrat regions. She adopted the Florida panther as the party mascot, which was apt in ways she did not consider as it is a deeply endangered species with dwindling numbers and difficult to find in this region.
The result of November 5th’s election? Trump carried the state by 13 points. Democrats took all of six counties – SIX! Miami-Dade - which has been historically blue forever, it seems, went to Trump by 11 percent! And all of that media push to sway Hispanics away as a result of a comedian telling a joke at the Madison Square Garden rally?
While most metropolitan centers are traditionally blue across the country, in Florida you see the Miami, Tampa, and Jacksonville regions all going for the Republicans. Two central Florida counties that are Puerto Rican enclaves - Osceola and Hillsborough - went red. Additionally, two amendment items on the ballot that Democrats favored heavily - abortion becoming codified (Amendment 4) and the legalization of marijuana (Amendment 3) - were voted down. The Amendment 3 issue was a personal hit to Fried, as she has direct ties to the marijuana industry in the state.
That is a garbage result, as far as the Democratic Party in Florida is concerned. For this reason, the state Republican Party leadership has enthusiastically pushed for Nikki Fried to continue for another four years.

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UPDATED: (1) Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) Is Alexandria Occasionally-Coherent (D-NY) On Steroids

More racial lies/hate added as I find them at bottom.   The stupid bitch is strong in this one, well both of them.