Monday, July 29, 2024

 This is Kamala Harris … Liberal Madwoman.

She will finish the job ‘fundamentally transforming America’ into the third world shithole that Obongo envisioned.

Supports getting rid of the filibuster to pass Green New Deal,
supports banning fracking,
supports banning offshore drilling,
supports opening the borders completely and make coming into America illegally a civil offense instead of a crime,
supports abolishing ICE,
supports defunding the Police,
supports changing dietary guidelines in an first attempt to reduce red meat consumption, (you vil eat ze bugs.)
supports giving voting rights to convicted terrorists, murderers, rapists,
supports gun confiscation by force, mandatory buyback,
supports eliminating private health insurance,
supports health care for illegals,


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Krispy Kreme Doughnut Company advertisement. 1910 Grand Central Avenue, Tampa, Florida - 1951.