Thursday, May 23, 2024

 How does anyone explain liberal Jews?

Many books have been written about why an intelligent and accomplished people have ignored reality and remained loyal to the Democrat party.
I have consistently acknowledged there are many plausible reasons.
However, the one I consistently return to is the one Norman Podhoretz wrote about in: “Why Jews are Liberal.”
Podhoretz maintains, liberal Jews do not understand their religion and mistakenly believe their mission is described by the phrase, Tikun Olan, i.e., they were put here on Earth to better the world and politics is the substituted method by which they best accomplish this commandment.
Jews have proven, throughout history, to be accomplished in a variety of fields and endeavors but liberal Jews refuse to admit they act in ways that are destructive, not only to society but also to their fellow Jews.
I have maintained that progressives, by and large, are an unhappy lot.
This makes them susceptible to seeking/embracing change even though the solutions they adopt consistently lead to failure.
Furthermore, because they are known to be intelligent and thus, have risen to positions of success, they have had a disproportionate degree of influence.
Think of politicians of Jewish heritage such as Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, or Bernie Sanders. Think of Jewish-origin billionaire oligarchs such as George Soros, Howie Schultz, or Mark Zuckerberg; think of Jewish Hollywood icons such as Barbra Streisand and Rob Reiner. Think of a powerful union leader such as Randi Weingarten, or highly placed Cabinet officials such as Antony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas and Merrick Garland, and the list is endless.

Because of their visibility and mostly negative impact, when the world is in turmoil, the need to find a scapegoat rises and history has proven Jews are an easy source/target upon which the world can project its fears and concerns.
Specific to America, I believe the rise in antisemitism is directly related to the fact that neo-Marxists have penetrated virtually every institution upon which our republic rests, and the results have proven both financially a disaster but also a societal one and Jews are a convenient source to blame.They are largely professionals and thus, have significant visibility.
We allowed what is happening and have no one to blame but ourselves. “The enemy is us,” as Pogo said.
To make matters worse, we happen to have a corrupt leader as our president, a man who not only is mentally infirm but also has been wrong on virtually every major decision and is a chronic, pathological liar,
But the tragedy does end there. Though I am willing to vote for Biden's alleged opponent, former President Trump, I understand the distaste a large segment of voters have for him.
Consequently, America finds itself dispirited. We find ourselves at  a crucial point in history and, though there seems to be the beginnings of a blow back, even if we find a paddle and row the ship of state back to shore, I seriously doubt America will ever be the nation we once were.
We have allowed politics to become weaponized.  We have rejected law and order, we have turned on our police and have lost faith in government., our  justice system and those we elect to serve us and you know the rest.
We are a disunited nation groping for solutions and seemingly overwhelmed by serious challenges we ignored at our peril. The foundations upon which our republic was founded are crumbling. Our adversaries are gloating and rising in strength and in abilities to challenge us in ways we may not be able to meet.
An America adrift is not healthy for world stability.
Blaming Jews, radical know-nothings swarm university and college campuses in support of fascist Islamists while a president utters nonsense. That is not the solution, as appealing as that may appear to the unwashed. It's time for a change.

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